When we packed up our belongings and sold almost everything we owned to come here to serve girls trapped in slavery, I thought of it as just me serving others. I never considered for a moment that people were in fact going to be serving me. Yet this week I have reflected on and appreciated the people that are actually serving me.
This second half of the year I have chosen to do another subject towards a Diploma in 'M' and am studying "Understanding and Interpreting the B1ble." This week I've been writing an assignment on Phil. 4:15-20 where Paul is writing from prison to the people of Philippi thanking them for the money they had sent him. Prisoners back then had to get family and friends to supply all their needs.
At a meeting for new parents this morning at Aaron's boarding school, I realized that all of the teachers and dorm parents have come to this country to teach and look after our kid as an act of service to me. They will love on my kid, educate him, and instill life principles in him by a constant example of how to live life in J3sus. It is very humbling to observe the quality of staff here and know the love they will give out to my son.
Then, as I write this assignment on Philippians, I see how the people of Philippi sent a gift with a guy 1300km/800m, probably by foot, which possibly took up to 2 months (and I think he did this trip 4 times!), so that they could provide money and gifts for Paul's needs. I remember that many of you that 'think' of us and financially support us as a family have radically given that we might work here. It is you that serve us by your kindness and love. It's humbling to know that we came to serve, yet in doing this we are being served.
I would say to you the same thing that Paul said to the Philippians:
"They (your gifts) are a sweet smelling sacrifice that is acceptable and pleasing to G0d. And this same G0d that takes care of me will supply all your needs from His glorious riches , which have been given to us in Chr1st J3sus.
Now all glory to G0d our father forever and ever. Amen!"
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