Sunday, October 16, 2011


We just had a really fun afternoon watching the Rugby World Cup Semi-Finals with a room full of New Zealanders. The All Blacks played really, really well and we're looking forward to the finals next Sunday!

As I watched what probably are the two best teams in the world battle it out, I was stuck by their absolute commitment to the game. How they were entirely focused on the ball, putting their bodies on the line without thought of the outcome except to get that ball and cross the line. There was one play where an All Black was literally flipping over the head of an Australian player, yet his eyes were on the ball instead of the fast approaching ground below---and he snatched the ball out of his opponent's hands! Wow.

We're told in Heb. 12:3 to "fix(ing) our eyes on Je3us, the pioneer and perfecter of fa1th. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of G-d."

What if we really, truly fix our eyes on Him the same way that the All Blacks completely focus on something as simple as a ball? If we were more concerned with our focus than impacts, pain, and the opposition running towards us? Much bigger wow. And the prize at the end sure beats a cup---no matter how prestigious it is!

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