Yesterday was a sad day around FS. A 21 year-old women who has worked there for the last several years died leaving behind a husband and a 3 year-old son. The thing that deepens the sadness is that while she was well loved at work, she drank poison after a fight with her husband. She was taken to the hospital and stabilized for the first day, but on the second her bodily systems began to fail and she died the morning of the third day.
In the last couple of weeks 2 children in FS's nursery have lost their young fathers, one of them through HIV related complications. Their young mothers will likely be widows the rest of their lives in the culture here.
Still, while these and other difficult things have been happening lately we are hopeful. Sometimes it seems like it's hard things that end up somehow ushering in the good.............!
Nothing is wasted.
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